GARDEN CLUB: Twenty-four members enjoyed a visit to Mulu Nurseries at Wickhamford in May. They were showed round the covered glass section by the manager, Steve. Bamboo plants, exotic plants, palm trees and tropical fruit are cultivated and supplied to a wide selection of customers.

The next meeting will be at the usual time and venue on Monday, June 27. The speaker will be Martyn Cracknell on Garden Friends and Foes. The competition is a buttonhole from your garden.

GOOD FOOD LUNCH CLUB: The lunch held on Friday, June 10 was held in the parlour of the Lifford Hall, Broadway. Thirty-two patrons raised £145 for the Barn Close Surgery.

As a result of the functions held in the past year, the total donations including Stroke Unit at Evesham, the Barn Close Surgery and the Cobalt Unit in Cheltenham amounted to £1,139.

In view of the uncertainty at Evesham Hospital, there will be donations to the Volunteer Centre in the future.