PARISH COUNCIL: Fish and Anchor Bank: After lengthy closure this has now been re-opened. It was agreed to contact Worcestershire County Council with regard to a weight restriction being imposed on this stretch of road.

Play Area: A Deed of Dedication has now been signed in connection with ensuring that the site remains an open space play area.

Wooden Seat (village hall grounds): This has now been repaired.

Parish Games: It was agreed to enter the table tennis categories as there had been no response to the request for parishioners wishing to partake in any of the other games.

Kanes: It was noted that the proposed planning application has now been referred to the Secretary of State.

Refuse Collections: Concern was expressed regarding the way in which this is now operating. It was agreed to write again to Wychavon District Council.

Fire Authority: Cllr T Bean informed the meeting that there is taking place a review of all fire stations.

Audit: The annual return has been completed for submission to the external auditor.

Littleton Village Hall: It was agreed to pay the annual grant of £500.