RouSIng words by a famous Native American chief will be brought to life during solstice celebrations in Malvern.

A Chief Seattle chanting ceremony will be held at West of England Quarry as the sun sets on Sunday.

The chant originates from a speech given by Chief Seattle in 1854, responding to the American president's request to buy up Native American land.

Event organiser Jonathan Penley said the ancient message had lost none of its relevance over time.

"The speech is very popular as an environmentally-friendly message, about the danger of man destroying the earth," he said. "It's quite a powerful affirmation of our connection to Mother Nature and a group of people chanting it together can be a powerful experience."

He added: "We're not doing very well at looking after the environment these days, it seems we've become disconnected with it all.

"Anything that reaffirms those connections is a good thing."

The chanting ceremony, from 6pm to 7pm, follows a solstice circle dance from 3pm to 5pm.

Dancing will be lead by Sunnara Vivian, who runs regular circle dance classes at Trinity Hall.

"We need at least 8-10 people to hold a successful dance and have had as many as 30-40 in the past," said Mr Penley. "Circle dancing originates from various countries around the world and it's quite an opportunity for people to experience other cultures."

Admission to both events is free but a collection will be made towards publicity and music costs.

Beginners and children are welcome and participants can bring picnics. If weather is bad, check with Mr Penley on 01684 573406.