PARISH COUNCIL: Bus stop - northern travel direction: The bus shelter sign for the southerly stop was being produced and the hard standing was to be increased to prevent having to cross a grassed area. The proposal for a bus shelter was delayed until the next meeting.

Station Road verge damage: Cllr Mills reported interest from Cropthorne and Charlton PCs and would be followed up in due course.

Farm Street access: The chairman reported that parking had appeared to have improved recently but residents who had received the parish council's letter were still concerned about the nature of the traffic using Farm Street and had taken up the issue with WDC.

Chequers footpath: The new gates had not been fitted yet. WCC path strimming was unsatisfactory and Cllr Mills was to follow this up.

Evesham Community Hospital: It was agreed to send a letter saying the parish council objected to the proposed cuts planned for the hospital and called on the PCT and other decision-takers to seek other ways to achieve financial balance.

Next meeting: Monday, July 18 at the Sports Pavilion at 7.30pm.