FARR John Edward It's only been a few days Dad, since you were taken away, The blow so hard the shock severe, to part with one I loved so dear. You meant the world to me dad, When I was in need, you were always there. You held my hand when I needed a friend, You loved me no matter what, and I love you for that love and being you, my dad. I will always cherish the memories of the years we spent together, they will stay with me forever. I'll miss the little football bets we had and the fun along the way. Thank you dad for the years we shared, the love you gave me and the way you cared. You were a dad in a million with a golden heart. The love we shared will give me strength and gently ease my pain, until my tears have all been shed and maybe one day I'll smile again. There will never be a day go by, where I won't think of you. I love you dearly dad. So deeply loved and so deeply missed. I have sent a dove to Heaven, With a parcel on its wings, Be careful how you open it dad, It's full of wonderful things. Inside are a million kisses, locked up in a million hugs, To tell you how I'll miss you dad and send you all my love. I love you dad and always will. From your broken hearted and ever loving daughter Debbie. xxx Published in paper 23/05/2007