PILLOWS, a vacuum cleaner and a salad bowl are just some of the items taxpayers’ have paid for to kit out the second homes of south Worcestershire’s MPs.

Pest control, window cleaning, a chimney sweep, a stainless steel peppermill, kitchen knives and toilet paper were also claimed on expenses. Worcester’s Mike Foster, Mid-Worcestershire’s Peter Luff, West Worcestershire’s Sir Michael Spicer and Wyre Forest’s Dr Richard Taylor claimed a combined £85,260.79 last year.

While Dr Taylor claimed to cover only the cost of the mortgage and council tax rates on his second home, all of the other local MPs spent money on utility bills, food, cleaning, repairs and maintenance.

They also splashed the cash on a whole host of household items but, at £465.65, Mr Foster spent the least on such ‘extras’ between April 2008 and May 2009.

The latest round of expenses were published on Parliament’s website yesterday and were the first since Sir Thomas Legg’s investigation earlier in the year.

Sir Christopher Kelly, chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, followed that up with a number of key recommendations on what MPs can and cannot claim for in the future, although they do not relate to last year’s expenses (April 2008/09).

The claims have been defended by south Worcestershire’s MPs.

Mr Luff, a Conservative, said MPs needed to spend money on their second homes.

“My claims for 2008-9 have been audited by Sir Thomas Legg and his team and found to be in full compliance with the rules,” he said.

Mr Foster, a Labour minister for international development, said: “If you’re going to run a second home there are going to be costs.”

Sir Michael, a Conservative, was not available for comment as your Worcester News went to press.