A WOULD-be MP for Worcester will be joining people from around the globe at the world climate change conference.

Peter Nielsen, who is standing as an independent parliamentary candidate, left the city by train earlier today as he headed to Copenhagen, Denmark, for a few days.

Mr Nielsen, who was born in Copenhagen but now lives in Worcester city centre, said: “Rich nations have a dual responsibility of reducing their own emissions and in helping the poor nations to develop in a non-polluting way.

“In their heart of hearts, the world’s politicians know what is required.

"The question is whether they will let opposition from multi-national corporate interests lead them to a disastrous compromise.

“It is mind-boggling that there are wealthy and powerful people who are prepared to put short-term profit before the future of the planet. Most of these people are not young.”

Mr Nielsen said the majority of people regard climate change as a “very serious” problem.

“Sceptics will deny that global warming is man-made, but cannot deny that human activity is contributing to make it worse,” he said.

“The science is just overwhelming.”