A DRUNK man hurled racial abuse at an Asian taxi driver then punched and kicked his car, hurting his own foot.

The incident began when Paul Rothan stuck his head inside the open window of a taxi in Worcester Road, Malvern Link, and used racially offensive language towards the driver.

The court was told how the taxi driver was parked outside Saffron Restaurant waiting for a customer to pick up a takeaway when Rothan began to insult him on Saturday, October 24, at about 6.45pm. Unemployed Rothan, aged 42, of Marlborough Gardens, Malvern, admitted a racially aggravated section five public order offence and criminal damage at Worcester Magistrates Court.

Matt Dodson, prosecuting, said: “He had his head through the window and swore and used racially offensive language. He then punched the rear nearside passenger window, kicked the rear nearside passenger door twice and the front passenger door once.”

As he crossed the road, Rothan was struck slightly by a passing car. When police officers arrived he was receiving treatment in an ambulance for an injured foot which Mr Dodson said may have been sustained when he kicked the car.

Mr Dodson added: “He said he couldn’t recollect the incident due to the amount of alcohol he had consumed. He had drunk four three-litre bottles of cider and had then gone to a pub and had a couple of pints. He says he is not racist and doesn’t have a problem with foreign taxi drivers.”

Mr Sheward, defending, said: “On the day in question he was blind drunk, so much so that he has no recollection of these matters at all. He didn’t challenge the view that was put to him in interview. All he said was ‘I can’t remember doing that but if witnesses say I did then I accept responsibility.” He was fined £85 for criminal damage, £65 for racially aggravated public order, ordered to pay £50 compensation for the dent he made in the taxi, £100 compensation to the taxi driver and a £15 victim surcharge.

l Your Worcester News was the only member of the media to attend this hearing.