YOU may have noticed that we have been experiencing problems with comments on our web articles of late.

The counters below stories have been innaccurate, suggesting that some stories have had zero comments when in fact they have had a significant number.

This has led to a marked drop in the number of comments our readers have been making - but we have good news!

Our website maintenance teams have been working hard to fix the code required to keep the site running, and earlier this week they released an update which appears to have worked a way around the issue.

Although it's still early days it seems that the comment counters are now accurately reflecting the number of posts below each story, so you can tell at a glance if anyone has had anything to say about the issues of today. And yesterday, for that matter.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

• If you have any questions about the site, feel free to sign up to our forums and ask Murray in the Oi Admin! section.