THE last walk of the season was around Lower Broadheath and Cotheridge and led by Helen and George Coombey-Jones. There was a good number present and the weather was perfect for a Sunday morning ramble in the late autumn.

Although the general impression might be of flatness in that area, the views were amazing.

At the recent annual meeting, the officers were re-elected and treasurer Pam Bowers reported on a healthy financial situation. Is this the only group where the annual subscription has been maintained at £1?

Mabel, the rambler’s mascot, was awarded to Dot and Chris Fletcher for having planned and led the most interesting walk.

The programme of walks and social events for 2010 was finalised and the evening finished with chat and refreshments.

Anyone is welcome to join us, times and dates are on the Martley website or contact the chairman on 01886 888439.