AT OUR November meeting several forthcoming events in the county news were noted, with interest being shown in activities of the Science Club and in a visit to Slimbridge in February.

A group of members had enjoyed a visit to St Richard’s Hospice, where they had been shown the wonderful facilities where every detail has been thought of to make the patients’ visits as pleasant as possible.

The annual meeting followed, when the secretary gave a report of our activities over the past year. We have had a very varied programme, with active art, walking and Scrabble groups and have enjoyed outings, joined fully in group and federation activities, and, of course, enjoyed ourselves.

Shirley Miles stood down as president and Janet Clemas will take the chair from next month.

The competition cup for the year was won by Sylvia Poutney.

There followed a demonstration entitled Detox Your Home, showing how it is cheaper and safer to use such simple substances as vinegar, lemon juice and even Coca-Cola for cleaning around the house. An explanation was given as to why such things do actually work.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 8. For further details, call Sue Strang on 01684 592408.