OUR November meeting was also the annual meeting with a new president taking over from Susan Oakley, who has done her job diligently over the last three years.

Morag Ford, our WI adviser, was in attendance to oversee proceedings. Paula Hartley is stepping down as secretary after doing an excellent job and we were relieved to be told Monica Smith is staying on as treasurer in spite of news she was giving up.

Annual reports were read by the secretary and treasurer followed by the president’s address. Our membership has increased considerably and our financial position is healthy. We have had a variety of interesting speakers and exceptionally enjoyable outings organised by Fran, and look forward to more of the same in 2010.

Morag then addressed the meeting, followed by a ballot for members to nominate a new president. Heather Pitts was elected – obviously a very popular choice – and she was wished well by everyone.