MALVERN in Bloom is looking to swell its ranks with new members as it prepares to start its 2010 campaign.

Chairman John Jordan is hoping to build on Malvern in Bloom’s most successful year to date, which saw the town achieve a coveted gold award in the highly competitive ‘large towns’ category for the first time.

The Malvern in Bloom steering group will be holding its first meeting towards the latest campaign at the Malvern Town Council chamber, in Belle Vue Terrace, at noon on Thursday. (November 12) Mr Jordan is urging anyone who would like to find out more or get involved to attend.

“The more people we have involved, the more that we can do to help boost Malvern’s pride and prestige.”

During Thursday’s meeting members of Malvern in Bloom will discuss the provisional route, theme and colour scheme for the town’s 2010 entry.

Anyone who is unable to attend the meeting but would like to get involved can call Mr Jordan on 01684 566760.