THERE is plenty of pressure on all of us to lead lives that are healthier and better for the environment.

Much of this pressure comes from the powers that be. Some would call it the nanny state.

As a result there has been an increase in the number of people using pedal power as an alternative form of transport.

At the same time, thefts of bicycles has reached epidemic proportions. In the last three years alone, more than 800 bikes have been stolen in Worcester. So far this year, more than 150 have been taken.

Such thefts are probably not the top priority crimes for police in Worcester. Most of us would accept that as a fact. Burglaries, crimes of violence, sex offences, drink-driving – we would all want these to be above bike thefts in the police priority list.

But it does not make this type of crime any less frustrating for the victims.

In many cases, these thefts happen despite bike owners doing all they can to protect their property.

We have no doubt that these thefts are difficult and time-consuming to detect.

So we will make this offer to the police. If any of these thefts have been captured on CCTV, let us have the images and we will publish them.

Forget about the alleged human rights of the offenders. Let our readers see the crooks and help to identify and nail them.