THE annual meeting of Comer WI was held in October. Viv Jackman, president, welcomed a good number of members including Patience Broad, WI adviser, who had come to oversee the meeting.

In the absence of Maggie Hartley, the treasurer, Patience Broad presented the yearly audited financial statement. This was discussed at length but was accepted, as was the yearly report prepared and read by Beryl Lord.

Viv thanked her committee members for all their efforts and support in what had been, at times, a difficult year. Voting took place for president for the following year, Viv Jackman once again accepting the position, with Maggie Hartley as treasurer and Beryl Lord as secretary.

Patience thanked the members for their welcome and spoke briefly on WI affairs and the challenges of the future with the need for recruitment.

The evening ended socially over cheese and wine and the usual raffle was drawn.

New members or visitors are welcome to the next meeting on Wednesday, November 18, at St David’s Hall, Comer.