COULD you give a loving home to the next generation of guide dogs?

Worcester people are being asked to help raise the guide dogs of the future.

Volunteers will have the exhilarating experience of witnessing the birth of puppies, having the young dogs living with them for around six weeks, and the on going companionship of the brood bitch as the unofficial household pet.

National charity Guide Dogs will ensure that a member of its specialist team is on hand to oversee the birth of the litter, and will pay all food and any veterinary bills.

Charity spokesman Kelly Newton said: “Our volunteer brood bitch holders have the reward of knowing they are playing a major part in rearing the next generation of guide dogs, as well as having the companionship of the dog and its puppies.

"You don't have to be experienced in dog breeding and Guide Dogs' staff will provide plenty of help to first time breeders.

"We're looking for calm and caring people, ideally who have a second person living with them who can provide assistance where needed.”

To find out more call Guide Dogs on 0845 371 7771 or email