TWYCROSS Zoo (East Midlands Zoological Society) is a supporter of the Amur leopard, the most endangered big cat in the world. They are classified as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with less than 36 animals left in the wild. These carnivores are found only in the Russian far-East in the temperate forests and mountainous areas.

Twycross Zoo currently houses two Amur leopards, both of which are involved in a captive breeding programme. Conservation projects are trying to save this majestic creature from extinction, but recent events may spell their demise. In the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve, in the Primorski region of Russia, there is a lack of agreement between state agencies and badly planned reforms have left the reserve without the vital funds to continue its work.

The reserves staff have not been paid since June 2009 and the director has used his own money to keep the reserve afloat. 24 of the 32 staff have been forced to take holiday due to delays in paying them, and no patrols have been sent out as there is no fuel for their vehicles. This sorry state of affairs is risking the survival of the already rare Amur leopard as patrols are not available to protect the region from poachers, loggers or the forests fires that breakout during the dangerous fire season.

Please help us to help the Amur leopards. Twycross Zoo has supported Amur leopards for over 3 years and is raising funds and awareness of this terrible situation in the hope that it can be resolved quickly. Help us to act today!

You can help by donating to our Amur leopard SOS fund, all of the proceeds will be sent directly to the beleaguered reserve to pay for fuel to resume patrols. Please spread the word and pass this message on to your friends and family. Together we can help save the Amur leopard.

To help this very worthy cause you can donate to Twycross Zoo’s Amur leopard SOS by calling 01827 880250.