DESPITE a chilly evening our October meeting was well attended and members were reminded we are hosting the group meeting on Wednesday when the theme will be Halloween. Broomsticks to be parked safely outside! We have an invitation to visit the Guildhall on Tuesday, November 10, and a trip has been arranged to Cribbs Causeway that month. The outing to Hartlebury Castle, well organised by Fran, included a tour of state apartments, the county museum and the Hurd Library. The afternoon was a resounding success. Our speaker was Mr Paddy Hannigan who gave a fascinating about early 20th century women striving for the right to vote. Parliament finally granted this to those aged at least 30 in 1918, followed 10 years later by a Bill which granted equal suffrage to men and women. Mr Hannigan made his presentation both interesting and amusing. The next meeting, on Wednesday, November 4, is the annual meeting. AUDREY FARLEY