A DIGITAL exhibition will project the art work by people with mental health problems onto a Worcester shop window to raise awareness.

The ‘Reflections’ exhibition is possibly the first of its kind in Worcester, organisers say. It opens on Monday and will run until Sunday, November 1, to mark World Mental Health Day in Worcester.

Members of AIMs (Art in Minds) will see their art projected through a large screen in an empty shop window in the High Street, directly above the H & M store. The exhibition will be clearly visible to the thousands of shoppers passing below.

AIMs came into being as a project of Shrub Hill Workshop to celebrate World Mental Health Day by showcasing the wealth of untapped and unrecognised talent that exists in the mental health arena. Rob Evans, of the Shrub Hill Workshop, said: “People with mental illness or who are carers are not generally confident about their abilities and would be unlikely to exhibit their work. The therapeutic value of art in all its forms is fairly well documented but is only recently being brought into the mainstream of mental health. Being able to express emotions and fears through art, or just to be able to put the illness aside for a short time to immerse themselves in painting, drawing, or any other art form, can be a milestone in recovery.

Sadly, most people’s art remains hidden away from public sight as lack of confidence prevents most people from exhibiting. If the confidence hurdle is overcome there is often a lack of opportunity to display those works and together with the financial considerations of exhibiting means that this art stays hidden. This is where initiatives like AIMs come into their own.”

AIMs hopes to provide a safe, supportive and professional way for those with experience of mental distress to show and possibly sell their work with pride. It has evolved into an organisation run by current and ex-mental health service users, an artist, and an occupational therapist.

The exhibition is being mounted in collaboration with digital media artist Denny Ellis.

It is supported by John Kendrick of Land Securities, Tangent Design, Community First, Worcestershire County Council and The Lounge at Hodsons.

For details, call Jayne Gaze on 01905 619633.

For more information log on to artinminds.org.uk