A FORMER club bouncer had her nose broken after she was attacked by a man at a 21st birthday party.

Gavin Martin walked in uninvited to the Farmer’s Boy pub in Worcester and began arguing with an ex-girlfriend.

When Jackie Bamford, one of the party guests, ordered him to leave, he punched her four times in the face, Worcester Crown Court heard.

Miss Bamford, aged 27, suffered a broken nose and two black eyes and needed a hospital operation.

He also punched 20-year-old Samantha Price in the face, causing a nose bleed, as she tried to help the victim, said Charles Hardy, prosecuting.

Martin, aged 31, of May Avenue, Tolladine, Worcester, pleaded guilty to assault causing actual bodily harm, battery and criminal damage of a pub window.

He was given a nine-month jail sentence which will run concurrently with a four-year prison term that he is already serving for violent crimes.

Judge Toby Hooper said the long sentence was under an old law which assumed Martin was a dangerous offender in June last year. But under new laws – brought in after the latest offence – he did not qualify and was assessed as "medium risk” by the probation service.

The judge said he hoped Martin would stop “a wicked, vicious cycle of alcohol-related behaviour” after making progress on remand.

The party was in the function room of the pub in Tolladine Road, Worcester, on March 22 last year.

Martin walked in at 10.30pm in an angry mood and pushed Miss Bamford into a side room when she tried to diffuse the situation.

After attacking the women, he caused £150 damage by smashing his fist through a window.

He claimed the discussion with his ex-girlfriend was not heated and alleged to police that he was attacked first.

Lee marklew, defending, said parole on his four-year sentence had been refused and his earliest release date was July 20 next year.

He had suffered from alcohol problems but had shown insight into his behaviour while in prison.