ON Remembrance Sunday a capacity congregation attended the church of St Michael, Stoke Prior, to pay tribute to those who gave their lives in two world wars so we might enjoy the freedom we know today. It was also an opportunity to remember those who have fallen during more recent conflicts in the defence of peace and liberty in the Falklands, Gulf wars and Afghanistan.

How proud the late Jim Scoffield would have been to know that his grandson should read the names of the fallen, it was very moving indeed, and a welcome reminder of appreciation for services rendered.

The branch has held its annual meeting, by courtesy of mine hosts at the Boat and Railway, Stoke Works. The chairman Alan Quine outlined a very satisfactory year’s activities.

Poppy Day appeal organiser Peter Robinson reported that it was close to last year’s record- breaking total.

He praised all the willing band of helpers for their assistance.

Ron Lucas, treasurer, reported that the branch was financially sound and contributed to the financial, emotional and social support to serving and ex-servicemen and women and their dependants around the country all the year round by sending contributions to RBL headquarters.

The officers and committee were re-elected. The branch is set fair under the very capable hands of chairman Alan Quine, ably supported by Ron Lucas, Peter Robinson, Danny Gartland, Bill Manning, Keith Owen, Jack Ashmore, John Garfield and George Verney.

I would like to express my gratitude for the unexpected presentation of a plaque to me for my services as president.