MARY-Lou Lockyer and a visitor were welcomed to the annual meeting. Members were pleased to hear that Jenny Taylor is joining.

Sheila Cracker, Pat Crook and Kate King were all wished happy birthday.

It is always breathtaking when the secretary’s report is given and it is realised how many meetings and events have happened during the year. Secretary Mary Kipping’s report was a very pleasant reminder of all we have done and enjoyed.

President Gwyn Darby was thanked for her leadership and enthusiasm over the last three years. Helen Coombey-Jones has kept our finances in hand and we look forward to the coming year under her role as president.

Competition for a favourite cake was won by Helen, Eileen and Sheila and the delicious cakes were soon demolished at refreshment time. The evening finished with members reading favourite poems.

Members were saddened to hear the next day of the death of Joy Snow who has been a supportive and enthusiastic member for many years. She and Reg have made us so welcome at the many garden meetings held at their lovely home.

She will be sadly missed.