A DETACHED double garage with store/workshop and office – described by the parish council as “the size of a detached house” – could be built in a Worcestershire village.

The scheme for The Orchards, Apostles Oak, Abberley, is being recommended for approval by planning officers at Malvern Hills District Council when it goes before the northern area development control committee tomorrow.

But Abberley Parish Council has objected, saying it is totally out of keeping with the nature and character of the area and that the garage block is “the size of a detached house”.

Local residents have also objected, saying the proposal appears to be designed and sited to be converted into a separate home, trees in the existing orchard would be lost, it would set an undesirable precedent outside the settlement boundary and that it is out of keeping and visually intrusive.

But planning officer Vicky Bilton says amended plans siting the garage south and lower than the house would mean the outbuilding would appear subordinate to the house in a two-acre garden.

“Officers are satisfied the scale of the building is proportionate to that of the plot size,” she says.

She says that planning permission would be required for the proposed garage to be occupied and a condition can be used to control its use.

“The proposed building would maintain the character of the Area of Great Landscape Value, would not harm the visual appearance of the site and surroundings, nor that of the amenity of nearby residents,” she says.