DOREEN Jeeves was welcomed as our adviser for the annual meeting.

Both treasurer and secretary reported on a successful year, with a good variety of speakers and outings.

Doreen complimented the members on the work done in the year and then officiated at the annual meeting. Margaret Wainwright had made it known she did not wish to stand for office of president again, so we were delighted when Jean Griffiths agreed to stand and was appointed on a unanimous vote.

Jenny Lander, the daughter of one of our members, then gave an amazing demonstration. Taking a shoe box she showed how to wrap a parcel without any sellotape showing. To finish the effect she then showed how easy it is to make festive parcel bows.

Her mother then gave out recipe sheets for the microwave sponge cake we had all enjoyed so much in October.

The speaker and Doreen were thanked and the meeting ended with tea and biscuits. The next meeting on December 3 will be a Christmas party when we will all be making table decorations.