HELP is at hand for young mums and dads-to-be.

Worcestershire Teenage Pregnancy Partnership has updated its Young People’s Resource Pack, which contains advice and information on pregnancy and the first few months after birth, after healthcare professionals identified that young pregnant women would like more information on issues like what to take into hospital when they have their baby.

Teenage pregnancy project worker Holly Wheeler said: “The idea of this resource pack was to be a really useful and robust information source for young parents to make full use of.

“We wanted to ensure that it is as useful as possible, which is why we expanded it when we realised that young parents would find it helpful to have information on overnight bags for when they have their babies.

“At the beginning of the project, another thing that the young parents felt very strongly about was that there was a lack of support for young dads and very little advice about how they can get involved with their baby.

"The pack aims to go some way to addressing some of these important issues.”

The partnership is a 10-year programme that supports teenager parents and aims to tackle social exclusion among young parents.

The target is to reduce teenage pregnancies by 50 per cent by 2010.

The resource packs are available now from midwives, housing officers, Connexions and various children’s centres around Worcestershire.