THE November meeting was well attended and we were pleased to welcome four new members.

Susanne Owen, our WI adviser who came along to oversee the election of the president for next year, was also warmly welcomed.

After the reading of the usual reports, and notice of forthcoming events and invitations, posies were handed to two birthday girls. Greta then gave an interesting and comprehensive report on the autumn council meeting at Stourport last month.

We were reminded of our coffee morning at Bishop Allenby Hall, St Stephen’s Church, where all our meetings are now held, and when Susan read out her annual report, it was agreed that the move to the new venue was indeed an excellent decision. Susan was then re-elected as president and the committee introduced to the new members.

Speaker was Rosemary Prosser who gave a delightful talk on her career as a police office, peppered with hilarious anecdotes of her experiences. She was thanked on behalf of everyone by Susan for an entertaining hour.

The raffle was won by Phyllis and Laura, and the competition by Audrey.