POLITICIANS at all levels are not immune to the odd U-turn. But the one performed by Worcester city planners over proposals for homes in a flood zone is particularly impressive.

Just three weeks ago this newspaper reported how councillors had panned plans for eight homes in a red zone – an area most at risk from flooding – in Waterworks Road at the edge of Pitchcroft.

Councillors said the development was “reckless” and a leading flood campaigner labelled it “barking mad”.

Now, in a remarkable turnaround, the council has approved the plan.

Why? Because the Environment Agency says the parcel of land concerned isn’t in a red zone after all and will stay dry unless there is an “extreme event.”

In fact, the agency suggests (ever so politely) that the council might want to consider updating its flood zone system.

And councillors say they are now happy because they’ve seen the site and it is far enough away from the river for the development to be safe.

Surely it would be better, cheaper and less time intensive if councillors had the correct information in the first place.

Flood risk is a hot topic, particularly in Worcester.

Development in areas at risk of flood has to stop.

But we wonder, in the light of this series of events, how the public can have confidence in the planning system to ensure such development does not happen.