MALVERN Town councillors have yet to decide whether they will be inviting the town’s residents to air their views about the council and its services next year.

At a meeting of the council’s best value and scrutiny committee, members deferred a decision on a recommendation to revive the annual survey of the town’s 12,000 households by sending a questionnaire out with council tax bills.

The council, which is to pursue Quality Parish Status, was recommended to conduct the annual survey because it needs to demonstrate that it considers the views and requirements of the council taxpayers.

This year the council decided to include a questionnaire in its quarterly newsletter which has a 2,000 print run and is distributed to fast food outlets and public buildings, like the library.

Councillors have asked for the questionnaire to be redrafted, before its inclusion in the next newsletter, to focus on the financial/value for money aspect of a single issue like allotments, play areas, Christmas events or Bands in the Park.