Summer makes me think of fun,
Ice-creams, paddling pools in the sun.
Drinking lovely lemonade,
On my sun lounger in the shade.

Mum's obsessed; she makes me wear a hat,
While at the beach I'm sat.
As I put on my sun tan lotion,
I feel a surge of summer emotion.

Happy as a blooming flower,
Enjoying the garden hour upon hour.
Having all my mates round to play,
Enjoying the sun day after day.

All eating the nicest ice-cream,
For lots more, we are keen.
Everyone loves the blazing sun,
Your sister, brother, daughter or son.

Why play games with their glitches,
When you could be on the footy pitches.
And as the French would say,
"Ah bien,
J'aime le soliel".

by James Mandall