A CHURCH in Malvern, which faced an uncertain future due to its small congregation and lack of support, could open its doors to exhibitions, meetings for community groups, musical events and visitors on retreat.

In April this year members of St Peter’s Church, Cowleigh Bank, asked parishoners if the church, which has a regular congregation of about 20 people, should be closed.

Following that, two public meetings were held, which were attended by a total of nearly 60 people, to discuss ideas and practical ways to keep the building open. Now St Peter’s is facing the prospect of a renaissance with outside groups showing an interest in using it for meetings and events as well as possible exchange visits with members of inner city Birmingham churches and organised retreats.

Church warden Andrew Judd said: “I think it is pretty encouraging. When we started this I did not expect it to turn out so well. We have now got quite a lengthy list of people who want to be involved in the future of the church.” He said as well as individuals who had contributed their ideas and support, the Malvern Civic Society had now expressed an interest in using the church for some or possibly all of its meetings, while Malvern Museum is also keen to use it as a venue for displays and exhibitions.

“It would have been nice had we had a more positive response from people living in the parish – particularly when you consider the number of people who visit the churchyard. I would have thought they might have wanted a stake in it.

“I spoke to the diocesan office and was told in general terms as long as it is decent and legal they would encourage as wide a use as possible of this and any other church.”

A St Peter’s steering group has now been formed.

Anyone else interested in using the building can contact Mr Judd on 01684 8938858.