Coastal regions as I mentioned last week has its own local climate, sea fog, gales and rough seas, sunny blue skies, and in fine stable conditions beneath regions of high pressure or subsiding air, land and sea breezes.

These breezes come and go, the sea breeze picks up through the afternoon especially when the prevailing wind flow is light and offers a cooler, refreshing breeze which sometimes penetrate well inland from the sea resort. The land mass heats up through the day and the warmer air rises and cools, then the cooler air over the sea moves towards the land to take its place, so the wind direction increases and changes direction from sea to land. A land breeze occurs when the land chills overnight, the warmer air over the sea rises allowing the cooler land air to move out towards the sea.

These breezes can influence climatic conditions causing local variations. If anyone dislikes the humid heat of inland locations, they only need to journey to the coast to enjoy the refreshing local sea and land breezes.

Next Week......Local Weather Conditions.

The answer to last weeks question: Sea

This weeks question:

A sea breeze flows from:

A/ Land.

B/ Sea.

Best of Luck.


Evaporation: The change from liquid to gas.

Weather for Coming week Monday 11th August-Friday 15th August.

Low pressure over the UK during this coming week.

Cool sometimes windy weather with some showers or longer spells of rain at times.
A few drier brighter moments between.
Cool days, mild humid nights.

Maximum temperature 18-20c 64-68f.

Minimum temperature 11-13c 52-55f.

Last Weeks Observations (Monday-Sunday)

Highest day temperature.............23.3c on Wednesday 6th August.

Lowest night temperature...........11.8c on Friday 8th August.

Wettest day...............................14.2 mm on Tuesday 5th August.