On BBC breakfast news today they were debating an interesting point. They were surveying people "joe public" in the street today asking about salaries and would they discuss it on national tv? The answer for most people is "NO" they dont want to discuss it. The reasons people gave were mostly that they felt it was a private matter and didnt want other people to know such sensitive information.

How much a reflection on society is this that if we had asked the same 100 people a survey about their sex lives then you probably would have got a much more positive response. In both cases however they may be more than an element of exaggeration (or underestimation). Ie normally blokes exaggerate the number of women they have slept with and women are...are... more conservative!

With salaries people are very reluctant to discuss figures with strangers but also with people they know. "You tell me yours and i will tell you mine" scenario develops. People see salaries as a measure of social standing and dont want to admit to having a lower salary than their counterparts equally dont want to admit to being paid more than them as it could generate hostility and resentment.

so..... saying nothing seems to be the safest option!
