THIS week’s missive is being written as we watch the rain come down again but I suppose cricket in April and early May in Britain is a game for optimists.
You know, sometimes you see things that make you look twice, and then maybe shake your head. Well, last week I came off the motorway at Whittington, turned down towards the Ketch and there was a bloke… skiing.
Honest, he was skiing down the hill, and it wasn’t until I had a good look that I realised he was on those roller skis but he was going at a good rate down the slope.
Then the other day it had been raining for about two hours, was cold and miserable, and I was heading through the city, thinking I’ll get home, put the gas fire on and won’t be moving all evening.
I came down the Lansdowne and there they were… playing cricket on the little grammar school ground, with the spectators huddled under brollies.
Last weekend, I was out for my bi-weekly jog, early morning, head down as it was a bit windy and I was aware of two gentlemen walking towards me, both in tail suits, with top hats, waistcoats and full wedding regalia.
Now this was at 7-15 on a Sunday morning in Malvern and I can only assume they’d been to a wedding the day before and had enjoyed a very late night out.
I called in the Barmaid’s Bosom this week. I haven’t been in for a while, what with the cricket and rugby and gardening and everything else, not that I’ve done much of the latter and my lawn is a foot high at the moment.
The main subject of conversation in the pub was the cost of fuel, petrol and diesel. I suggested, tongue in cheek, that they should all start using alternative sources of power, walking or cycling to work, getting some horses out rather than using the tractors and reducing their carbon footprint.
Well, folks, I cannot repeat some of the words that greeted my suggestions. I also suggested using skis with wheels on but to my disgust they ignored me.
* Dave Bradley is the BBC Hereford & Worcester sports correspondent.