So valentine's day is upon us....was it a non-event for you or did you get a nice surprise? I heard several conversations yesterday at work (mostly from women) debating on the virtues of sending valentines cards. What would have happened to the human population if we had to wait for women to always make the first move?! It is nervewracking the first time you make a 'move' on somebody ( i can just about remember that far back!) but at least with valentines day you can make a card anonymous with just a little hint of who its from...

Whatever you think about the commercial aspect of events such as this - its still nice to get a card. My daughter bless her insisted on writing one for my wife this morning so i had to help her draw a heart!

I remember the anticipation when i was a teenager of waiting to see how many cards you would get. There would always be a couple of kids in the class who would get loads - - - then the majority who might get one if they were lucky (including me)and the poor few who didnt get any and didnt seem bothered, (if they were bothered they should have done what the rest of us did and send ourselves one!!not that i ever did that...)

The genuinely nice bit it when you recieve an unexpected card, its like winning the lottery, a bolt from the blue and it makes you feel good for the day. It doesnt matter if you dont know who its from as they say its is the thought that counts.
