This week has been a much quieter one than last thankfully!! Thanks to those of you that emailed my - i guess i was fortunate it ended the way it did, could have been so much worse. I have been busy coaching this week, by email for a change.

This is a new venture for me to coach by email, it is convenient for client and me, and although they dont get an immediate response they can email at any time of day or night and get a response fairly quickly. It works much better if i know the client already, as i have my hands tied a little by not seeing their body language or hearing inclinations in their voice that i would normally encounter.

The internet is a growing medium and we are finding new uses for it all the time. I have had a purpose built conservatory designed and constructed to allow a relaxed, private venue for my coaching but the ironic thing is that more and more people are opting for convenience of telephone or email coaching. With life at an all time fast pace is it surprising that people chose the option that allows most time, ie no travelling to a venue etc, to spend juggling the ever growing burden of work, family committments, domestic chores and the occassional bit of socialising!


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