Another bad day at the office. A high penalty count, too many turn overs and handling errors against, probably this year’s league winners, Gloucester, led to a 29 - 7 score line at Kingsholm. It was never going to be a Warriors win but they were their own worst enemy on Saturday night.

After a very competitive first half with the score at 6 – 0 to Glaws it looked like we may come back with at least a bonus point but it all went horribly wrong in the 2nd half. We gifted Gloucester their first try and gave away so many penalties that in the end Pat Sanderson was sin binned. The last try of 3 typified the game form a Warriors point of view, a cruel bounce took the ball over Marcel Garvey’s head and into the path of Mike Tindall.

I am never good after a Warriors loss, but it seems to be harder to take this year as, with the arrival of Mike Ruddock there seemed to be such high hopes. Which, at the moment are turning out to be just wishful thinking.

So should we Warrior fans be more patient and wait for the arrival of our new signings over the next 2 months, or should we expect some better results now we have such a high class coach. In this league you are judged on results and after 3 it would appear there is STILL a great deal of work to do. So Rome wasn’t built in a day.. But being at the bottom of the league every season is getting very wearing on my nerves!