I saw my self control tested to the limit this week. I work for a well known retail company training and coaching their new managers; whilst on the shopfloor the other day i was called to assist with stopping a shoplifter. Now normally this does not prevent a problem you call as many managers to the front of the store as possible - the shoplifter either dumps the stuff and runs or we aprehend him.

This time however things did not go smoothly...

We aprehended the shoplifter as he left the store - he came quietly enough and we took him back to the security office. We explained we were banning him from the store so he gave us his name and address, he was calm and quiet at this point. As we informed him that we were calling the police his attitude changed and he became very agitated. He told us (2 managers and a security guard in the security office) that he had only just got out of prison and he didnt want to go back. He reached into his pocket (we have no stop and search powers) and pulled out 3 syringes.....bare in mind the confined quarters of the security office he said i had better open the door and let him go.

It very briefly (about a milli-second) crossed my mind to knock them out of his hand - but the concequences of it going wrong dont bear thinking about. I opened the door for him and told him to go. We pressed the personal attack alarms (linked to the police station for immediate response), two managers walked towards the said shoplifter as he went to leave the building and i had to gesture to them to let him go.

It didnt phase me at the time, but later you think about what could have happened - what could have gone wrong. Not a nice experience - so next time you are in a supermarket complaining about the queues or lack of stock on the shelves please spare a thought for the managers and colleagues working in the store as they have many other things to deal with as well.

With most jobs where there is an element of danger - ie policeman, fire fighter, soldier etc the dangers are very real but are an anticipated part of the job. I try to see life in perspective, it comes as part of my role as a coach and manager - i dont judge people, they always have reasons for their actions and i dare say this shoplifter thought he was acting in his best interests by threatening us....

The good news is that the police arrived about 10 minutes later blue lights flashing, and as we had CCTV of him in the store and threatening us in the office (oh and his address he gave us) they were able to aprehend him.
