The last time I wrote to you was last week from France, when I said, ‘By the time you read this I will be back in Blighty’.
Well I wasn’t, unless you read it after 8.20pm last Friday evening!
I sent my few words of wisdom from an internet cafe in the city of Aix-en-Provence, a 30-minute drive from the airport.
My car broke down, two hours for a breakdown truck, missed the flight, re-booked the next day on another airline, flight delayed as we had missed our slot, take off delayed as the plane was too heavy, honest, took off two hours late, got the train home from Brum and arrived 32 hours after we left.
Ain’t international travel a joy.
Having said that, a great time was had by all, particularly Joshua George, my grandson, who was in top form, although Grampy didn’t get to change any nappies, but I must admit I did miss our walk down to the boulangerie to get the croissants every morning.
Anyway, back home to the Sixways thriller on Saturday. Blimey, I can’t stand too many of those.
Sunday played the last cricket game of the summer, a bit of an in-club game and great fun.
I had a sort of a bowl and couldn’t move the next morning, but after the game nipped into the local, not the Barmaid’s Bosom and bumped into ‘ Murph’ who I started school with at the age of five.
We nattered over old times, and isn’t it strange that you see some people quite often from your ‘nipper’ years, but we got into a ‘whatever happened to’ conversation.
And some of those people we grew up with we have never seen since. It is almost as if they disappeared off the face of the earth. There were one or two we wished had, but that, as they say, is another story.
Back at work this week and it has to be said when the alarm went off at 5.15am on Monday morning, pouring with rain, my words were not those that can be repeated here.
But yesterday I had to go to Hereford, and on a lovely sunny autumn morning, driving through some of the finest countryside in Britain, it occurred to me it was not so bad after all.
Got back to 4,509 e-mails, of which about 20 were of note, offering me many things, but not it seems a reliable breakdown service in southern France.
l Dave Bradley is the BBC Hereford & Worcester sports correspondent