I am very grateful, as were my predecessors, for this weekly column provided by the Worcester News, and I needn’t have worried about filling the space as the role of mayor certainly gives me plenty to write about. As a result, it’s not always possible to mention every meeting or event I have attended and I don’t want the diary to just become a long list of people and places and little narrative.
One organisation that missed out on a mention a while ago was the Worcester Twinning Association, so I hope I can even things up a little by reporting how I went along last Monday to one of their meetings and heard a lot of positive news about our links abroad. I’m glad to say that the friendship link with Vernon has grown stronger and a team from Worcester Rowing Club travelled there at the weekend to compete in a regional regatta that was held on the Seine.
In addition, there are always things going on with Worcester’s official twin towns in Le Vésinet, near Paris, and of course with Kleve, in Germany. It’s also possible that the Twinning Association may try to build on links that are being established informally with Verona in Italy. I would really welcome an Italian connection with the city and one with Verona, with its great historical and cultural background, would be a real catch for Worcester. We shall see.
At the end of the week, Carol and I took a few days’ breather from mayoral activities. So, many thanks to deputy mayor Lucy Hodgson for covering for me at several events, including the annual meeting of the local Victim Support organisation and also at the Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Authority community safety day at Evesham, which had been postponed from the time of the floods. I’m sorry to have missed both of them.
However, even on our holiday we could not quite escape the political scene, because we spent a day at the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff. It’s strange that though it’s only 80 miles away, we had to listen to parts of the debate and proceedings through headphones and have it translated from Welsh into English.
I had not quite realised how everything really is bi-lingual across the border and not just the road signs. Some of the politicians start their speeches in Welsh and switch to English or vice versa. Most confusing it was too!
Anyhow, back in the driving seat, I am looking forward to a busy week, including what I hope will be a successful fund-raising dinner down at the cricket club in New Road for my two charities, Macmillan Cancer Support and the British Red Cross. With much help from Worcester Rotary Club, we should have an entertaining evening and hopefully the money will roll in!