They say a bad workman blames his tools.....well im afraid i was forced into that catagory recently! You may (or may not) have noticed that i havent been adding my regular blogs to this page for a good few weeks - my laptop gave up the ghost unfortunately!

Thankfully I am back up and running so I have a lot of catching up to do! (BY THE WAY THANKS LISA FOR YOUR EMAIL!!)
The highlight of my week was attending a two day NLP course. NLP is Neuro Linguistic Programming which is the brainchild of richard bandler . The approach focusses on understanding how our minds work, and therefore how we can best harness our minds to achieve our maximum potential. The course amazingly was FREE and i have absolutely no personal gain from recommending this course to you - why not see for your self
For a FREE coaching session with James .. CLICK HERE
I have reinforced some of my previous learning from a coaching perspective which i will be able to use with clients; it also gave me some renewed personal motivation and focus.
I will speak to you all again soon