The other Saturday morning I took part in a “Keep Our Post Offices Open” rally outside the main Post Office in Foregate Street. It was organised by the Worcester Conservatives and the Parliamentary Candidate for Worcester, Robin Walker, was in attendance.

The main purpose of it was to drum up support for keeping the Post Office in its current position, rather than the barmy idea that the Labour administration has of moving it to the top floor of W H Smiths.

A deal has been done that will see some 70 odd post offices moved into W H Smith stores across the country, so it is not just Worcester Post Office that is affected. To my knowledge there is no customer lift in W H Smiths, just some stairs and an escalator, so how on earth are the two main groups of people who use the Post Office going to cope, namely the elderly/infirm and mothers with pushchairs?

It really is a cloud cuckoo land idea and I don’t know one person in Worcester who supports it. People were literally queuing to sign the petitions and I couldn’t get my petition sheets around quick enough. It seems that the people of Worcester in general are definitely very against the idea of the Post Office moving location.

It also begs the question, what is going to be done with the building the Post Office is currently in, which was custom built for the Post Office and is totally fit for that purpose?

Aside from the proposed Post Office move in Worcester, many rural post offices are at risk of being closed down altogether. It really is utter madness.

Anyone who wishes to sign the petition can do so online at, or contact me and I’ll arrange to have your name added to it.

Keep our Post Offices open!