Relationships have been an increasingly common theme in my recent client sessions. How do we let our relationships dictate the patterns of our daily lives and how do we let WORK dictate it? We now spend more and more time away from our homes and in work so it becomes increasingly difficult to find a balance between our work and home life. If you are in the fortunate position of being able to hold up your hand and say you are satisfied with your work life balance then you are in a for those of you that couldnt do that - what can you do? .......

I encourage people to firstly understand where they are spending their time ie work, familly, "me-time" communting, watching tv etc and secondly how they would ideally like that time to be spent. A free work / life balance questionaire is available by contacting me through my website link at the bottom of this blog.

When you have the two scenarios in your mind - the NOW and the FUTURE you may be surprised at exactly how much time you fritter away and waste. Remember we are on this earth only once (unless you believe in reincarnation) so we have one chance to make the most of that time. So it is time then to ask yourself some important questions to give you a clear idea of how you can move towards the second scenario where you are spending time doing things you want to do. For example...

What activity do you enjoy doing the most?

Who are the people you enjoy spending time with most?

What bad habits / unimportant activities could you drop to give you more free time to devote other areas of your life? (ie

If that is not possible what chores or mundane but necessary activities could you change or minimise in order to free up some time? (ie do the shopping on the way back from work instead of making a seperate journey)

Who else would benefit from you making these changes?

So what is stopping you making these changes?

Food for thought...

FREE work / life balance questionaire....CLICK HERE