IN the last few weeks I seem to have done a lot of driving and, to be honest, sometimes in the evenings when not in the area there seems to be very little of interest on the radio. On a long drive back from Leeds the other night I took to singing to myself – honest.
It struck me how many songs you might know the words to, well, some of the words but not all of them.
The first couple of verses maybe, the chorus and the like, and I reckon that of the longer songs Hotel California was about the only one I got through.
This brought me to recollect a minibus trip a few years ago, where there were 16 grown up – well, oldish anyway – people on the bus and we could between us sing the whole of Ernie The Fastest Milkman In The West but none of us could sing the second verse of the National Anthem.
I must say a big ‘well done’ and ‘thanks’ to Abdul and his team at Cromwell’s at Powick. If you have never been there, I recommend it.
Cromwell’s many years ago was a pub called the Vernon Arms and changed to Cromwell’s and then became an Indian but they kept the name. Of course it is called Cromwell’s due to the connection with Powick and the Battle of Worcester in 1651. Indeed, if you go to the church and the bridge you can still see the bullet marks from the battle.
Well, we went to Cromwell’s as a couple called Ian and Caroline had bid to join the BBC Hereford and Worcester Curry Club for an evening out – all for Comic Relief.
It turned out both our guests’s birthdays were that day. Now how good is that, being married to someone with the same birthday as you? How could you ever forget their birthday?
They were not born on the same day but the same date. This brought us round to talking about meeting folk who were born on the same day as you. I was born on June 15, 1948. OK – I look older but I had a big paper round.
I’ve only ever met one person born on that day – and she was born in Singapore. That’s also a gentle reminder that it isn’t long til my Birthday!
By the way it starts, ‘O God our Lord arise, scatter her enemies...’

* Dave Bradley is the BBC Hereford and Worcester sports correspondent.