IT is decision time this week for plans to build 40 homes in Fernhill Heath.

A revised scheme was brought forward by developer William Davis Ltd earlier this year following criticism from villagers.

The firm said a comprehensive review of the proposal had taken place after feedback from both district and county planners.

Wychavon District Council’s planning committee deferred making a decision on the plans at its meeting in March and the application is now back on the agenda for Thursday (December 5).

REVISED: New plans have been put forward for the housing schemeREVISED: New plans have been put forward for the housing scheme (Image: William Davis Ltd)

The plans have since been redrawn again, following the committee’s comments, but are still for 40 homes including 16 ‘affordable’ homes.

William Davis Ltd said the access from Dilmore Lane is now proposed to be towards the centre of the site, with open space to the north.

“The development now creates a built frontage to Dilmore Lane to the south of the entrance, with the open space also framed by facing dwellings,” the developer says.

“This still allows for the retention of trees and hedgerows along the site frontage that is reinforced by the proposed landscape scheme.

READ MORE: Fernhill Heath 'disregarded' after 130 home plan approved

READ MORE: Fernhill Heath homes plan met with backlash despite rethink

“The layout also continues to ensure homes front on to areas of public open space around the site, including along part of the northern boundary, creating active frontages.”

The developer said three nature trail play areas are now included in the plans, as well as five allotments.

Neighbours have been against the plans since they were first unveiled, raising concerns over the impact of the development on traffic and local amenities.

Residents are worried about the listed Thatch Cottage, the safety of pedestrians in the area and the potential loss of privacy for existing homes.

The development is not the only new estate proposed for Dilmore Lane - only last week plans for 130 homes by Lioncourt Homes were approved on appeal despite being rejected by the council back in May.

Planning officers are recommending that councillors approve the plans for 40 new homes in Fernhill Heath on Thursday and there is no objection from the county council as either the highways authority or the lead local flood authority.