A GIANT swan puppet which walked through the city centre has raised hundreds for charity. 

The puppet, from The Swan Food Project, raised more than £300 for the birds in Worcester, after swimming through the High Street on November 16. 

A spokesperson for The Swan Food Project said: "Swanny is proving popular in the High Street.

"Thank you so much to all the kind people who donated to our street collection on Saturday 16th, coming to chat or have photos taken with Swanny.

"The faces of small children on spotting her were a sight to behold.

"It was a happy occasion and even the rain held off.

"You gave us £253.36 in cash, and £49.50 by card (less charges), with a further £25.00 promised.

"This will be a big help over the winter as we need £19.50 a day for the swans' teatime corn."