IN response to Roy Clarke’s letter of October 28.

May I ask through the letters page, now the clocks are changing and as we go into darker days and nights, that drivers of all abilities check the headlights are working on their vehicles.

It is difficult for drivers to see cyclists in the dark if their headlights are faulty.

Joking aside, this is an important issue.

I agree with Roy that everyone cycling at night should have working front and rear lights in accordance with the Highway Code and the same applies to drivers.

I’d also recommend everyone takes time to refresh their Highway Code knowledge and drive to test standard.

When cycling my lights are on continuously (dynamo), bags have reflective panels and I’m usually wearing bright colours.

I’m still close passed by, on average, by five per cent of drivers on my commute to work and witness illegal driving and parking whenever I’m travelling, notably speeding and phone use.

I am a driver, train user, pedestrian and, yes, I use a bike as a mode of transport as well.

Dan Brothwell


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