TRAFFIC lights will stay on green longer at a key junction after drivers out shopping saw red because they were left stuck in the middle of the road near a city supermarket.

Motorists turning right into Sainsbury's from Malvern Road in St John's, Worcester had complained they were getting 'stranded' in the road's filter lane because the phasing on the traffic lights was not right.

Now, after Cllr Alan Amos, a former mayor of Worcester, raised concerns, the lights will stay on green for 12 seconds, much longer than previously which he says will make the junction better for residents.

He hopes shoppers will no longer get stuck in the middle of the road, as before, when the lights changed too quickly and they met oncoming traffic from the St John's/Bull Ring direction. 

ACTION: Cllr Alan Amos has succeeded in lobbying to have the traffic lights on Malvern Road, St John's, on green for longer ACTION: Cllr Alan Amos has succeeded in lobbying to have the traffic lights on Malvern Road, St John's, on green for longer (Image: Supplied by Alan Amos)

 Cllr Alan Amos, county councillor for Bedwardine and city councillor for Lower Wick and Pitmaston, said he listened to residents' complaints and was glad he had 'won the battle to get a longer time to turn right into Sainsbury’s from Malvern Road'.

Cllr Amos said: “Turning right into Sainsbury’s from  Malvern Road has been a long-running problem as the traffic lights don’t give drivers enough time to complete the manoeuvre before the on-coming traffic from St John’s, leaving many motorists stranded in the middle.

"I have now got the lights re-phased so that they are now on the maximum green time possible giving drivers extra time to turn right without getting stranded when they move forward to do so. This will make it easier for my residents.

It has been a growing problem for some time as the volume of traffic going into the supermarket has increased whilst the timing and phasing of the traffic lights at the junction have - until now - not been adjusted to reflect that.”

A spokesperson for Worcestershire County Council, said: “The timing loops have been changed and there is now up to 12 seconds available from the green light going off on Malvern Road until the green light is shown on Swanpool Walk. This is dependent on the vehicles being in the correct place and not starting to cross the stop line when the lights are on red.”

Cllr Amos said he was grateful the loops had been changed and now gave people coming from the Lower Wick direction more time to get through the junction.

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He said he was 'really pleased' with the result.

It comes after Cllr Amos used money from his highways fund to pay for five bollards outside Domino's Pizza in St John's after he got fed-up with people parking on the new block paving.

He said he was 'angry' that pizza delivery drivers and customers were so 'blatant' about parking on the pavement 'with impunity'.