A TRIAL to pedestrianise part of Upton's waterfront has "gone better than I had hoped," according to a county councillor.

Traders on Upton-upon-Severn's Waterside were given keys to three bollards in July after they were installed outside Studio Gallery to stop drivers parking their cars on that part of the waterfront, starting a pedestrian zone trial that could last for 18 months.

Worcestershire county councillor Martin Allen, who represents Upton, said: "The trial has gone very well - even better than I had hoped.

"I thought there would be some resistance from local businesses to it, but in the main they have really got on board with it.

"Sometimes I drive into Upton and I'm thinking, 'will the bollards will be down today?' - but they've been up."

Owner of Studio Gallery Gerald Savine, who has keys to the bollards, said: "It has made a big difference.

"It feels more relaxed here now and you can enjoy a clear view over the river without any cars blocking your view.

"We hope we can keep the bollards in place and pedestrianise the area."

The bollards were bent out of shape earlier this month after a van had bumped into them. (Image: Gerald Savine)

On issues experienced pre-trial, Mr Savine added: "Some drivers were being naughty and parking on the waterfront before - on the double yellow lines.

"Over the years when they realise the end of Waterside is blocked off, cars have bashed into each other when they're reversing out."

The bollards are due to be replaced after a van drove into them earlier in October, bending them out of shape.

Mr Savine said: "The council came out and took a look at them within a day or two, so hopefully they are replaced soon."

For the trial, Martin Allen gained feedback from residents and tourists.

Mr Allen said: "I spoke to about 40 or 50 locals and visitors to gain some feedback on it, and all bar two people felt it was a great idea.

"Ideally, the whole of Waterside would be pedestrianised.

"We just need to make sure that businesses can still receive deliveries and that emergency services have access."

"I'll be discussing next steps with the (Upton) town council in the new year."