An interactive play will give a Worcester audience the chance to stop a loan shark.

The new play, called Deep Water, aims to teach people about the dangers of loan sharks.

The play, created by Crave Arts, a not-for-profit company in the city, is about a student who falls victim to a money-lender who appears to be helpful but is actually a loan shark.

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After the performance, the play will be repeated, and the audience will have the chance to stop the action and make different choices for the characters to create a more positive outcome.

The play has been funded by the England Illegal Money Lending Team, or Stop Loan Sharks, using money seized from convicted loan sharks.

Dave Benbow, acting head of the IMLT, said: "The team at Crave Arts have created a brilliant play which will really engage audiences and help them see how illegal lenders can be avoided by making different choices."

A spokesperson for Crave Arts added: "We are thrilled to have been awarded this funding to raise awareness of manipulative loan sharks to people in Worcester."

Performances will take place in November to sixth formers at Christopher Whitehead Language College, to service users of Worcester Probation and to people who attend ASPIE at Vesta Tilley House.