Worcester News readers have been debating if dogs should be allowed in more high street stores in the city.

The issue has sparked intense discussions with some strong opinions on the topic on the Worcester News Facebook page.

Rachel Sanders commented: "No.

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"Unless they are guide/assistant dogs."

Likewise, Vonnie Carter argued against the proposal, expressing frustration about blocked shop aisles and indifferent pet owners.

She said: "The majority of owners don’t care about their dogs behaviour, they don’t have control over their pets and they are a nuisance to everyone else trying to do their shopping."

However, numerous readers highlighted the potential benefits.

Denise Johnson said: "Yes, I suffer with anxiety so I love taking my dog everywhere with me."

Emma Clarke suggested that rather than more dog-friendly stores, there should be more dog-friendly eating places.

"It would be nice to stroll town with the kids and dogs in tow and be able to actually sit inside rather than have a sign saying dog friendly but only outside.

"Especially during winter", she commented.

Sally Burns relayed a positive experience while on holiday in Wales.

She said: "All shops and most cafes are dog friendly.

"I don’t feel guilty taking out our two dogs anywhere.

"Much more dog-friendly here.

"Why not in Worcester?"

Debbie and Richard Evans commented: "I love dogs but there is nowhere left to go where dogs are not allowed."

Lynda Gilmour asked for understanding regarding allergy sufferers, saying: "It's hard enough now having to navigate the dogs in town , they appear to be everywhere."

Julie Anne Davies commented: "I wouldn't mind a list of cafes and shops that don't allow them in please.

"They should be out walking not sat in a cafe smelling the place out."

Mary Bourne said: "I have a rescue dog and he goes almost everywhere with me, except supermarkets and medical appointments.

"I always ask (if my dog can come in) - and quite often I am told he behaves better than the human customers!

"There are some shops l wish l could take my dog into, but l understand not every shop owner or manager wants dogs in their store."